What's Included?

Your journey is as simple as A - B - C

ALIGN to what it is that you want and why

BREAK down the barriers that have been stopping you from living the life you dream of

CREATE an inspiring and sustainable plan of action

  • Fortnightly 1:1 private sessions of 60 minutes in person or via zoom

  • Access to private facebook community for additional support and coaching

  • Life coaching tools, techniques, and resources to rewire your mindset (including: Mind-Body Techniques, NLP, TLT and Mindfulness

The Road Map

Our Road Map to the shinier and brighter version of you consists of the following 10 components...

  • Align

    Getting clear on what you want and why to help create the life of your dreams

  • Barriers

    Identifying what obstacles are holding you back from living your best life

  • Clarity

    Clearing out all that no longer serves you to make way for the newer and shinier you

  • Practises

    Practical solutions, tips, tools and strategies to help you make the changes you desire adn to calm your mind, create clarity and invite happiness into your life

  • Goal Setting

    Utilising my signature SASSIE goal setting formula, you'll learn how to create inspiring, life transforming and sustainable goals that you will having committed to taking action in order to achieve them

  • Action Planning

    The tangible takeaway's that you are committed to doing to achive the results you desire

  • Accountability

    The success of this program is up to you. I will help keep you on track but it's up to you to do the work and take the action you say you are going to take. It's up to you to commit to taking inspired action every day

  • Support

    The ongoing support you'll receive empowers you to get back up when you fall down, because when life happens.. sometimes you get distracted or lose focus. I am here for you!

  • Evaluation

    Reflecting on what is working well and what isn't, then making the necessary adjustments

  • Celebration

    Because what you are doing deserves acknowledgement, this is a pretty simple process, but mark my word, it's not easy. It takes work, requires commitment and is going to be hard sometimes. So, we will celebrate the big and the small gains that you make - because you are friggen awesome gurl!

We rinse and repeat the entire process until you FEEL ... THINK ... and ACT the way you want to BE to do what you want to DO .. and have what you want to HAVE!

The Investment

In Conclusion